Astronomy School Schedule
Monday 20 September 2010
10:00-10:45 I. Georgantopoulos: "The Obscured Universe"
11:00-11:45 I. Georgantopoulos: "The Obscured Universe (cont.)"
12:00-12:45 V. Charmandaris: "Probing the energy production of galaxies in the infrared"
13:00-13:45 V. Charmandaris: "Probing the energy production of galaxies in the infrared (cont.)"
15:00-15:45 E. Xilouris: "Radiative transfer models of spiral galaxies"
16:00-16:45 E. Plionis: "Dark Matter"
17:00-17:45 S. Basilakos: "Dark Energy: the physics of cosmic acceleration"

Tuesday 21 September 2010
10:00-10:45 A. Comastri: "The growth of supermassive black holes accross cosmic time"
11:00-11:45 A. Comastri: "The growth of supermassive black holes accross cosmic time (cont)"
12:00-12:45 A. Akylas: "Monte Carlo simulations of the high energy spectra of obscured AGN"
13:00-13:45 A. Bonanos: "Stellar Evolution"
15:00-15:45 D. Hatzidimitriou: "Dust formation in different stages of stellar life"
16:00-16:45 D. Hatzidimitriou: "Dust formation in different stages of stellar life (cont)"
17:00-17:45 M. Kontizas: "Detecting active star-forming regions in the Magellanic clouds in the infrared"

Wednesday 22 September 2010
10:00-10:45 A. Georgakakis: "The co-evolution of AGN and galaxies"
11:00-11:45 A. Georgakakis: "The co-evolution of AGN and galaxies (cont)"
12:00-12:45 G. L. Granato: "Modeling the evolution of luminous matter in the obscured universe: the semi-analytic technique"
13:00-14:45 G. L. Granato: "Modeling the evolution of luminous matter in the obscured universe: the semi-analytic technique (cont.)"
15:00-15:45 G. L. Granato: "Modeling the evolution of luminous matter in the obscured universe: the semi-analytic technique (cont.)"