3rd Advanced Astronomy School

September 20-22, 2010

"The Obscured Universe"

National Obsertvatory of Athens, Insitute of Astronomy and Astrophysics

University of Athens - Section of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mechanics

Schedule & Talks


Astronomers have recently recognised that the most fascinating and violent phenomena in the Universe are taking place in dark regions, hidden from our eyes by thick clouds of gas and dust. The formation of stars, the build-up of galaxies, the growth of supermassive black holes are examples of important astrophysical processes, in which the bulk of their huge energy output is typically absorbed by large quantities of dust. Penetrating the obscuring clouds of dust and gas is therefore imperative for understanding the formation and evolution of the Universe at large.

The goal of the 3rd Astronomy School is to provide a comprehensive review of the key recent developments in the study the obscured Universe using the world's largest ground-based and space facilities and to highlight open problems and challenges for the future.

The school is sponsored by the European Union Marie-Curie program, the National Observatory of Athens and the General Secretary of Research and Technology. Lectures will be presented by astrophysicists from both Greek and International Universities and Research Institutes. The school will take place at the facilities of the Section of Astronomy, Astrophysics & Mechanics of the Univerdity of Athens.

Who should attend
The school will be limited to approximately 20 students at the graduate level with an interest in observational Astronomy. Keen undergraduates are encouraged to apply. All students must apply for participation via email to the organizing committee. Limited support for students outside Athens is available. Interested parties please contact the organising committee.

Content and Schedule

Monday 20 to Wednesday 22, September 2010. Lectures will run from 9:00-17:00. Topics covered:

  • Stellar evolution

  • Origin of cosmic dust

  • Accretion history of the Universe

  • Star-formation across cosmic time

  • Infrared Luminous Galaxies

  • Semi-analytic modelling

  • Radiative transfer methods


University of Athens,

Section of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mechanics,

Zografos, Athens,

Seminar room of the section of Astronomy, Astrophysics & Mechanics.

List of Speakers

Andrea Comastri, Bologna Observatory<

Gian Luigi Granato, Padova

Vassilis Charmandaris, University of Crete

Mary Kontizas, University of Athens

Manolis Xilouris, National Observatory of Athens

Despina Haztidimitriou, University of Athens

Antonis Georgakakis, National Observatory of Athens

Alceste Bonanos, National Observatory of Athens

Ioannis Georgantopoulos, National Observatory of Athens

Athanassios Akylas, National Observatory of Athens